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1987 I was getting my sex ed from Leisure Suit Larry

And learned about police procedures from Police Quest

We got stuck on that and were working through it together with the neighbors, swapping hints.
The driving sections were my favorite lol, so crude, but fun.

The end of the year had Space Quest 2 come out and we just upgraded to EGA. SQ2 was my favorite for a long time

Afterburner got a lot of playtime as well, magical game at the time. Yet mostly because I knew it from the Arcades with that mental motion 'cockpit'.

Test Drive came out that year, played that to death as well

It's hard to choose, in 1987 I was playing so many games at my friend's house on Amiga 500 which came out that year. What a machine.
We also still played a ton on the C64.

My personal goty was Space Quest 2 by far. I didn't get into Metal Gear and Final Fantasy until much later, but those 2 birthed another 2 giant franchises. I'll give the nod to Final Fantasy as we're on nr 16 already spanning multiple genres.