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zeldaring said:
sc94597 said:

Basically there are a few principles to consider when doing this analysis:

The larger the chip => the more expensive it is, all else equal. This is because you cut fewer chips per wafer AND because there is a greater likelihood of defects, resulting in fewer useable chips. 

The "smaller" the process node => the more costly the wafer, but not necessarily the chips produced by it. 

This is because:

The "smaller" the process node => the denser the transistor complexity of the wafer => more chips that can be cut from that wafer.

Voltage (and therefore power) is loosely proportional to clock speed until you bring it so low that you approach a sort of "minimum voltage" (before which you need to shut down cores.)

GPU's can be utilized well in parallel workloads, so having more cores can in most cases easily make up for a low voltage, but having more cores increases die size and therefore cost (for reasons mentioned earlier.) 

There is an optimal voltage/core count for a given power profile, on a give process node. 

Because voltage can vary, but core count is set, it is important to get core count correct earlier.

12SM's is nowhere near the optimal core count for an 8N Samsung chip at 3W. It might be doable on a 4N TSMC chip.

The guy posting the info is not some idiot he understands all this. He even cause someone postings a fake NVDA  card video and called them out before it was released his info says 8NM and people have replied with your same theory yet he didn't change his info meaning he probably has a very reliable source but course its all a rumor and we will have to wait  i would wager on him being right though.

There is a wide gap between "not being an idiot" and knowing every facet about the hardware one is ostensibly leaking. As he will admit, he gets things wrong about a third of the time (i.e RTX 3090Super, RTX 2080ti Super, etc.)

Notice that he doesn't respond to the many people querying about the apparent contradiction between "Switch = T239" and "8N". 

It could be as simple as him just assuming that because it is Ampere or a T239 it will be 8nm or his source assumed.