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Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
Octopath Traveler 2 (Platinum)
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
FFVII Remake: Intermission
Street Fighter 6
Final Fantasy 16
Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon (NG, NG+, NG++)

Been awhile since I updated, probably because I was unsure on what to say about FF16. But now it has been some time and my mind is more clear.

sF 6- Okay I didn't really beat this game, but it is fun and still a top fighter in the genre. I don't plan on playing it for much except with friends.

FF16 (4th JRPG) - This game is really good, no doubt about it. But it could be better. It could have contested my top 5 games of all time, instead it falls short of my top 50. There are some boss fights that are simply amazing. The characters are pretty good with lots of growth and characterization through the side quests and main story. The world was nice at first. Music fine as always but not top tier. I will save the negatives for another time because I would rather talk about the next game.

AC6 - This game made me rage harder than any game before it. I so much with every fiber of being Love/Hate this game haha. what I mean by that is the game is really really fun, but From software doesn't know how to balance the game. My hatred for this game is pretty much all directed at From software's lack of ability to balance weapons or bosses in the first try. sure some maniacs can clear the game with their fists or pistols. But mere humans like me prefer more manageable difficulty. This game has a similar problem as wo long did, you either play the game how it wants you to play or you rage for hours on end. I beat all of the major bosses pre patch without using all of the overpowered builds, but after clearing the game once I was done using weak builds. I switched to the op builds for all repeat missions and completely obliterated anything that got in my way without a modicum of difficulty as compared to using my old builds. Btw I say I hate NG+, but this game's NG+ is different because it has tons of new content and story.  suffice it to say, I beat the game all 3 times, got all the combat logs, bought all the weapons and cleared all of Arena. I refuse to do time trial missions that is included in s ranking every mission for a trophy, so this one will stay non- platinumed.

I guess I should note that I have been playing World of Warcraft again. Really takes time away from JRPGs.

Last edited by Farsala - on 15 September 2023