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Space engineers just turned 10 years 

It's been 5-6 years since I've played this game and it looks like it has been updated a lot. 

The best way to describe the game is Minecraft in space with a focus on crafting ships, vehicles, bases, and machinery.

Its strong point IMO (which may be outdated) is that it features the best

  • Mining/resource collection: With all space bodies being fully destructible and persistent, mining and resource collections are extremely tangible, You can completely mine out large asteroids from their most valuable resources forcing you to get farther or deeper for resources. 
  • Inventory: Here I think the best feature is the conveyor system which allows you to move resources from storage to anything requiring it (refinery, turrets, power generator, etc.) adding a layer of functionality to crafting design without making it too complex. A little reminiscent of Factorio on that front.  

However, the game had other not-so-good aspects and lacked content and purpose making the overall experience more time-consuming with very little in the way of rewarding you for the actual progression. Still, I may spend more time with it in the not-so-distant future to see how much the experience has evolved.

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 13 September 2023