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derpysquirtle64 said:
shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, I imagine Xbox won't be happy about that Unity thing. Assuming that Xbox will be charged for Unity games already on Gamepass, they could lose quite alot of money on the probably 100+ Unity using games they already have on Gamepass, losing extra money on deals that were supposed to be a one-time payment to the devs in most case. I suspect Xbox will be making alot less indie deals for Gamepass moving forward since most indies use Unity, we'll likely see them shift focus and aim for more 3rd party AA and AAA games moving forward.

Not sure why you guys bring Microsoft in here. From what I read, Microsoft doesn’t have to pay for anything. Developer will. It’s just now a question whether Microsoft’s upfront fee to add the game to GamePass will be enough to get the game into the service or not?

Unity changed their minds and are now saying that Microsoft owes them for all Unity downloads via Game Pass, whether Microsoft owns the game in question or not. Unity who have no accurate way of measuring how many downloads have been made, will also somehow know whether a download is via Game Pass or not and whether it was a first time installation or not.

Barozi said:

20 hours into Starfield and not a single crash.
What are you guys doing?

The only time I have crashes are at the end of the day when I've been playing it for like 5-6 hours straight, Lol.

shikamaru317 said:

So Versus and Spade are having this same cloud save issue then, that's not good. Really hope the first post-launch patch is soon and fixes alot.

I think it may be a Microsoft issue Tbh. I've had Cloud issues before with another game, I can't remember exactly but it may have been Minecraft, it kept telling me that my Cloud saves can't sync up and I had to pick a save, I always picked the console one. It was pretty annoying but resolved itself after a few days, I wonder if Cloud is being overloaded with saves in Starfield's case.

shikamaru317 said:
Barozi said:

20 hours into Starfield and not a single crash.
What are you guys doing?

I think I had 2 crashes to home screen and 3 lock-ups that required a reboot of the game by 20 hours in. Now, at 74 hours, it's more like 5 crashes and 8 lock-ups. The crashes seem to happen at random for no real reason, whereas the lock-ups seem more common when doing tasks that are hardware intensive such as time advancing by waiting, opening and closing the scanner, and running around the CPU intensive bigger cities. In addition, I've had the disappearing ship bug 3 times that I have to fix by modifying the ship at a dock master, and I've had this other bug about 7 times where the next area won't load when I go to dock with a ship or station, which traps me in the docking screen and forces me to reload my last save when it happens, leave the system, and then go back into the system before I can dock.

That is pretty much the summary of all the major bugs I have encountered, the rest have been more minor bugs, floating mining resources on planets, poor companion pathing including my stealth companion Andreja not going into stealth when I tried to use her on the Ryujin infiltration mission and leading a guard right to me (forcing me to reload and dismiss her), companions walking into dialogue scenes, non-active companions on my ship doing interaction dialogue options while I'm flying, invisible hit box on a plant on a planet blocking shots from hitting an enemy, etc.

I have slowdowns when an auto-save happens sometimes when exiting or entering a building, they're a bit scary, Lol. Thankfully had none of those other issues. I have heard that scanner bug causing a slowdown or lock up and IIRC it's most commonly associated with wielding a legendary weapon.

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I just watched new Forza 8 gameplay footage and was honestly relieved.
GT 7 might look more beautiful.😁

I don't know anything about physics or anything difficult.

Sorry if I surprised you by coming here out of the blue😫🙄