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Soundwave said:

You might as well also litigate that the PS5/XBX should have used Nvidia 30 series cards which are better than what they have under the hood and were available in 2020. 

I would have absolutely preferred nVidia 30 series GPU in the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X as they are better performing parts, especially in Ray Tracing.

But then price becomes a factor.

The difference between a Tegra X1 and Tegra X2 is actually not big, even in regards to the price.

Soundwave said:

Taking a look at the Manhattan scores above, the Adreno 530 manages to beat nearly every device out there in terms of scores and ties up with Google's Pixel C; which comes with Nvidia's Tegra X1 on board.

It wasn't able to outperform a Tegra X1 in the gold standard GFX 3.0 Manhatten test despite coming out after the Tegra X1. And this is a GPU mind you that was going into like $800 flagship phones, I know because I had the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge which had this GPU. 

Now underclock the Tegra X1 from 1Ghz to 0.3Ghz and try those benchmarks again.

Soundwave said:

Now you can nitpick all you want, the bottom line is no way was the Tegra X1 not a top end chip, even when Nintendo chose it there was little available that was better for 2016 and the alternatives were basically being used in premium high end iPads or top of the line Samsung phones. You can argue you'd rather have this, but it's not like somehow you'd be playing Witcher 3 at double the resolution if the Switch had an Adreno 530 in it. It is an contemporary of the Tegra X1, not a successor level type hardware. Tegra X1 was on launch date absolutely the best of the best, later in late 2015/early 2016 Apple and Adreno (Snapdragon) were able to catch up, but that doesn't mean the Tegra X1 was some terrible chip. 

I never claimed that the Tegra X1 wasn't a high-end part in it's class. Those are your words, not mine.

I claimed there was better options. And there was.

Soundwave said:

If Sony made a PSP3 with an Adreno 530 vs a Nintendo Switch with a Tegra X1, you're talking about like PS5 vs a XBox Series X, some people will claim one hardware is better, some people will claim the other, the fact is neither is in a class outside of the other. 

This isn't a Subway sandwich store where you get to chose everything you want in pre-built hardware. You have to give the hardware maker some leeway in making their hardware decisions, it's not "I want exactly X, Y, and Z". If that's what you want, you want a PC, not a prebuilt config of anything, it's not reasonable to hold a hardware manufacturer (Nintendo, Sony, MS, Samsung, whoever) to that standard. 


I always want consoles to have the best possible hardware at the lowest possible price, it benefits us, the consumer.
The fact there is stuff all difference between the Playstation 5 and Series X is not a bad thing, but both companies came to similar conclusions in regards to price/performance with their hardware choices. - I would have preferred better hardware as it was available however.

The fact that historically Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony have essentially "picked and chosen" what hardware they want, just like a subway store... I.E. Geforce/Radeon/PowerPC/x86/MIPS/PowerVR etc' flies in the face of your last statement.

Soundwave said:

On TV it's going to be docked and can use more pixels then to create a better looking DLSS image. From 720p, DLSS Super Performance mode can totally cook and make a 1440p or 4K image with anti-aliasing too. 

Actually agree with you here.

Docked mode would be more beneficial for DLSS as it has more information to build a higher resolution output from.

Still don't wan't DLSS on the next gen Switch however as it's propriety nVidia technology... And we know what happens if a technology/licence (Be it Music or otherwise) expires... The titles are pulled from stores and tend not to be backwards compatible on the next iteration of hardware.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--