TallSilhouette said: As impressed as I've been with UE5, we really need another engine to step up, ideally something open source. Their only big competition shitting the bed won't be good for anyone but Epic shareholders. |
I don't think anyone can enter the current market and just throw down with Epic at this point, not unless you've got Tecent/MS money and the tech on hand at the ready to apply and release.
Epic have already been buying out tech, bought out all of Art station and bandcamp, two venues that will provide them with years worth of talent to siphon from, then of course you've got Epic with it's "grants", and of course, their engine seeing more use within the film industry.
Then we've got this open source engine being fucked around with like some stock market token, by an ex EA CEO...
I want to be hopeful, but like, in this day and age you have to come really prepared to tango in the lions den. We saw what happened when Epic tried to tango with Steam, when they decided to not spend money on the expected R&D for their storefront (they instead just threw money via bribery and traffic disruption, as well as Twitter rants).
You have to come into the market with an engine that can do good stuff from the get-go, instead of "we're new, so please wait 5-10 years while we catch up with UE5, but don't expect us to catch up to EU8 by the time we get to EU5's level", because you'll only be constantly outpaced by the bigger fish as time goes on.
I just wish that ex EA CEO would sod off and stop ruining anything he touches. The guy is a literal curse upon the games industry.
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"