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Imo, 90s > 00s > 10s > 80s

90s was the best. They were ambitious and experimental. They innovated a lots and pushed their ips.
00s was where they had really great formulas for their IP in 3D. They also took risks. I feel like the wii era taints a bit towards the end of the 00s since they really went in a totally different direction mid decade.
10s, they started the decade with a bit of an identity crisis. They had ideas but wether if it's for the 3DS and the Wii U, i feel like everything was a bit badly executed. The concept of the wii u for example, you can tell where they wanted to go but were limited with the hardware possibilities. It transcribed a bit in their IPs as well. There were A LOT of 2D platformers. They left many IPs in the dirt for the first years of the decade as well. Mario was prominent, kirby and the more family friendly ips. Most of the IPs didn't meet the potential they had and it was frustrating to see. BUT the Switch really turned it around. You can tell they felt ambitious again, they got rewarded for it.

For the 20s, i want them to continue taking risks. They have their identity and their brand is SOLID as it ever was. I really hope they invest more in their games and you can tell it's the new trajectory with articles like the one pointing out Wonder didn't have a deadline and they could be creative. That's what works best for Nintendo and i can tell 20s will be one of if not their best decade if they keep that trajectory.