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1. Nintendo, like every company, is about money! They want that 3rd party license fees. I don't know the contracts but certainly those indie developers don't have to pay high license fees. There's simply more money to be made with AAA-licensing fees. Nintendo doesn't want to miss out on that money. The Switch 1 was simply technically not there yet to get most of the 3rd party AAA-games but for Switch 2, Nintendo doesn't want to miss out on that AAA-licensing fees. With the Switch 2 they say to 3rd party developers/publishers: That's what we have to offer, AAA-ports are possible without the need to make a triple somersault to make it possible. If you want to miss out on the money to be made on Switch 2, well, I guess you must be a communist then, you work in the wrong business!

2. I can't hear it anymore, Switch 2 will be on PS4/PS4 Pro level or anything in-between, blah bah! We should stop with that comparison. Switch 2 will not be comparable, it will be its own thing. PS4/PS4 Pro uses ancient technology, Switch 2 will use new technology. Xbox Series S is weaker on paper than Xbox One X but clearly beats it perfomance-wise, i.e. there are games on Series S that wouldn't run/look or run like crap on One X. We really should stop comparing old technology with new. I get it, what people mean is that Switch 2 games docked will look and run like PS4/PS4 Pro ports from PS5. That's fine but if we think in that terms we fixate ourselves too much in the PS4/PS4 Pro corner and it really limits our vision of what Swich 2 games can be (especially, the 1st party games).