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archbrix said:

One fact remains here: None of us saw this running. Eurogamer's sources did, and they said "comparable". Not identical, not indiscernible. Comparable is subjective, but we have to remember that these are people who, presumably, know what they're talking about. If EG and VGC are reporting this, this isn't just some reporter who was privileged with catching a glimpse of it running and thought, "Yeah, that looks the same as my son's Playstation", nor is it joe-blow's blog or someone on Twitter that got something right once. Again, they didn't say that it merely looked ok or even "pretty good" They said "comparable" to how it runs on PS5/XBS, which I take to mean, under these circumstances, very impressive... and probably, much better than expected.

What's funny here is that it was also Eurogamer's sources that created a stir before WiiU arrived too; they saw it and said not to expect a sizable jump over PS360. This was after we knew the specs of WiiU and YT was flooded with video claiming there was no way this was true based on what we knew. I remember a specific question to Eurogamer asking how this could be the case based on WiiU's advantage in RAM, GPGPU, out of order instruction sets... whatever. And the response was basically, "Yeah, we know, but despite the potential for advancements in those areas, they're not seeing anything that is leaps above the 7th gen console's capabilities." In fact, ports of 7th gen games performed worse. As it turns out, despite all of the naysayers, Eurogamer's sources were largely correct, and history could repeat itself here, just in Nintendo's favor this time.

I don't see anything from them claiming that anyone is going to want to give up their PS5 and start buying all of their games on Switch 2, as there will certainly be differences, but what I do take away from this is, if true, Switch 2 will be able to hold its own with multiplat performance much better than Switch did during its tenure. I really don't care how a Matrix demo runs or how much better it would look on the PS5 (comparable is perfectly fine with me), as neither are relevant to how the Mushroom Kingdom, Hyrule or Tallon IV will look on this device, and based on what these sources say, I couldn't be happier.

Having a Gamecube CPU certainly didn't help Wii U and those 7th gen ports were rushed anyway. It's when we got Xenoblade X and BOTW that showed far how Wii U could truly go.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!