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konnichiwa said:


"First of all Bethesda was always hated by a big group of gamers, Fallout 76 hate was everywhere."

Fallout 76 was hated because it was trash and absolutely broken on launch, it deserved the hate. Bethesda was absolutely not "always hated by a big group of gamers" before Fallout 76. People used to have some jokes about their bugs but it was mostly light-hearted and a small group. Fallout 76 was the beginning of the anger against Bethesda.

"With Fallout 4 it was clear that many were giving up Bethesda some disliked and some hated it."

I mean, there was a lot of disappointment with Fallout 4 but it was still hugely successful, has an overall rating of 83% of Steam (down a lot from Skyrim) and reviewers went easy on it as it has an overall 88 score despite the very poor story. A few reviewers who are trashing Starfield gave Fallout 4 very high marks despite Starfield doing practically everything better than it.

"What's even troublesome how you have reviews who basically complain about Todd lies or Bethesda and not even mention Xbox but still some xbots come in and say stuff as 'reviewers just hate xbox'"


"Starfield will be huge and will have an big impact on the industry...."

Is this meant to be a lie? Lol.

"It really doesn't feel huge at all, except maybe player numbers but that's basically it."

What, yes it does, literally one of the core complaints of these reviewers you're talking about is that it has so much stuff to do, so many mechanics, and does a poor job at explaining how they all work, the game is massive in gameplay (and yes in numbers too).

"Worked a long time on the game"


"Had almost a year extra delay"


"Graphics aren't great"

Disagree, not great in some areas, beautiful in others.

"Performance isn't great"

Disagree for me, my game has been 98% smooth, it runs very well on Xbox overall, I do know it is having issues on PC though which is a shame, the Xbox ATG team must have largely focused on Xbox because it seems to run better on Series X/S than it does PC.

"Gameplay can be dull and annoying"

Again, I disagree, the gunplay is way better than Fallout and is Bethesda's best feeling combat ever, I'm having a lot of fun with it.

"I am still enjoying my time with the game but I hate how MS and especially Todd is handling it."

How are they handling it?

"Larian was like 'we hear you and we will fix the bugs + adding some free (cut) content later.  It is like Larian treat us like consumers and MS ignores us."

It has been less than a f*cking week since launch.

Also where did Larian say they are adding the free cut content later? All I saw is that data miners found a ton of cut content (which is fine and doesn't need to be added back into the game) Heck I can't even say Larian say they're adding free DLC at all, all I see is them saying they're "considering" future DLC but aren't sure yet (and also nothing about it being free).

Just because Bethesda doesn't make a huge Twitter post announcing they're going to fix some of these game breaking bugs doesn't mean they aren't working on them. BG3 was littered with them and I can't see anywhere on their Twitter them being like "we hear you, we will fix the bugs" they just got their heads down and fixed them, and then announced the patches.

What is the roadmap for Starfield? What will they add? Bug fixing updates when?  Why are they so silent for the issues? 

This is the only roadmap I could find for Baldur's Gate 3, 12 days after launch.

Starfield has been out for less time that that, why does Larian which you keep banging on get extra time but with Bethesda it's all "WHERE IS THIS?! WHERE IS THAT?! WHY ARE THEY SILENT?! I DEMAND ANSWERS!" Lol. We also already know DLC is coming for Starfield (an expansion in the roadmap). We have no idea what is coming for BG3.

"Honestly any Xbox fan who has an issue how people treat Bethesda oh boy....wait till Acti/Blizzard deal goes trough, with WoW failing, Diablo 4 being a disgrace, Overwatch 2 death, CoD MWIII looking to be in a troubled state and Toys for boy making a MP crash game that barely any cares about."

WoW is failing? Lmao. No it isn't, it is still one of the biggest MMOs in the market today, a few dips in playerbase doesn't automatically jump to failing.

Diablo IV being a disgrace is hilarious, it launched to critical acclaim and was a huge success, but I do agree they fucked up with the post launch "seasons"

Overwatch 2, I do agree is pretty rough right now, but despite that it is one of the most played games on Xbox and PlayStation still. In addition, 80% of the negative reviews on Steam are from players impacted when Blizzard left China because they lost all their shit they had purchased, justifiably angry but Overwatch 2 is far from "dead" Blizzard just needs to sign a new contract with Tencent and figure out a way to get these players their lost stuff back.

"CoD MWIII looking to be in a troubled state"

What's this? All I see is excitement that it's basically Modern Warfare 2 remastered, Lol. And don't pretend like CoD fans give a damn about reviews, Lmao.

"Toys for boy making a MP crash game that barely any cares about."

Yeah that bombed. Rumour is they're making a new Spyro game next which is what they should be doing, Spyro or Crash sequels.

"MS buying studios who fail will not lead to love for Xbox..."

I don't really care what internet fanboys on Twitter say, at least, not as much as you do. ABK makes nearly 50% of their money from Mobile anyway. This play is bigger than "console wars" and is to provide Xbox with a huge financial boost, it should also have a large effect on Game Pass numbers. You're acting like the most profitable 3rd party in the industry is on deaths doors, Lmao. Blizzard evidently can still release critically acclaimed games and literally just did. Activision can continue with COD, Idfc. Toys for Bob are very likely going back to Spyro/Crash which should be good.

Mostly this acquisition won't be about console exclusives though so most of these weirdo internet trolls won't be as stupid about it but a financially healthier Xbox should have large benefits to us as well, more money being brought in means the ability to invest more money and that money could be used on financing even more exclusives, in the same way that Sony says that COD helps them finance their exclusives, Xbox will now own the entire thing and can do that but to a larger degree. ABK to me, is more than just a few potential exclusives (maybe Crash/Spyro, Blizzard's New IP), it's a healthier Xbox that can stand alone from Microsoft and use their resources to fund even more internal projects, and a healthier Xbox is better for us all, alongside yes, fixing some troublesome aspects of ABK. Also Game Pass day one is nice.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 09 September 2023