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Pyro as Bill said:
Ryuu96 said:


1. Russia has threatened 'tactical' nukes and Ukraine called their bluff saying "it's worth losing a city if the US responds by wiping out the Russian military" and they're right. I doubt many people could tell the difference between the current Bakhmut and a nuked Bakhmut. Whether Russia uses one or Ukraine gets one, the end result is the Russian military stops existing in Ukraine.  

2. Nukes are overrated. Nuclear winter lol. If Ukraine can intercept Russian hypersonics with ancient equipment then I doubt the 5 eyes have anything to worry about.

3. I know they were Soviet nukes but I'm pretty sure Russia wouldn't be invading if Ukraine had a bomb or two regardless of launch codes.

4. It's not like they just explode and the US does most of the work keeping Russian nukes in working order.

5. Keep 1 and bury it and only dig it out as a measure of last now.

Russia threatens nukes all the time, they've threatened UK with nukes, they've threatened America with nukes, it's boring now.

Do you have a source for that Ukraine quote? I'd be surprised if Ukraine basically said "yeah we're fine if Russia nukes us because America will wipe Russia out" - Also the USA likely wouldn't even do that, at most I would see countries just severely doubling down on military support to Ukraine, China joining in on the sanctions, NATO isn't going to get into a nuclear war for a non-NATO country is the brutal truth. At most if the nuclear radiation affects a NATO country we could maybe see strategic strikes on Russian places of missile launches but even that is a really unlikely stretch on my part (although if it did affect a NATO country then I would be support of strategic strikes on Russian airbases).

Not to downplay Bakhmut's destruction but there's a massive difference between Bakhmut's destruction via artillery fire and a nuke which practically wipes out absolutely everything in its path, not to mention the radiation causing the place to be uninhabitable for years, Bakhmut can and will be rebuilt and will be rebuilt without everyone wearing hazmat suits or developing cancer years down the line.

It really wouldn't be the end result, Ukraine would first have to create a nuke, they'd have to be able to store a nuke, this stuff takes years, they can't just secretly transfer a nuke from a NATO country either, it would be too obvious, Russia would know. And when in this hypothetical scenario, Ukraine uses a nuke on Russian soldiers, nobody will defend Ukraine when Russia launches 20 back and wipes Ukraine off the map. The end result isn't Russia's military doesn't exist anymore, to do that, Ukraine would have to nuke across the whole of Donestk Oblast, Luhansk Oblast, Kherson Oblast, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Crimea and some targets in Russia and then Russia would fire back.

Ukraine is intercepting Kinzhal with Patriots but not every single Kinzhal is intercepted and Russia has hundreds, thousands of nukes. They'd only need a few to get through and make no mistake, more than a few would get through, dozens potentially. Ukraine would no longer exist. Ukraine would also be completely destroying a massive chunk of their land that they want to reclaim. Killing thousands of innocent Ukrainians that are still trapped in those areas. Killing thousands of Ukrainian soldiers on the frontlines, poisoning the air in areas which Ukraine has already liberated, there are dozens of cities and villages that Ukraine has liberated which would be affected.

Russia would likely be invading because once again, the nukes were utterly useless and even if Ukraine figured out a way to maintain them, to financially keep them, they still couldn't have launched them, now if Ukraine had OTHER nukes that they could actually operate and were in a financial position to do so then that could have likely deterred Russia but fact is they didn't have the means, they didn't have the desire, they weren't in the position to do so. They don't explode but they do become useless and dangerous to keep around. You can't just bury a nuke in the ground and dig it up for later, Lol. They need to store that shit in extremely safe and protective environments, they need to maintain it, they need to be able to fire it.

And it's all useless because Russia would fire back! I understand the frustration but I don't think you're thinking this through at all, for Ukraine to use nukes first would be the end of Ukraine and an extremely pissed off public at Ukraine killing their own soldiers and people over land. Nobody would ever use a nuke on their own soil...It would be insane. I'll say again, if Zelenskyy pulled such a stunt then the Ukrainians would string his body up in the streets, it makes no sense.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2023