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 Fuck it. It's on PS+. I tried Saints Row reboot. How was it? Well, it's no longer on my SD drive. What a horrible game. Nothing feels like it has any weight. It was buggy as hell in just the first few hours. Sound effects are missing and others are oddly quiet. I have heard a mouse fart louder than the explosions in this game. Cars make almost no sound. Rifle sounded like someone tapping their fingers on a table. The so-called humor. It's not even good enough to be called dad jokes. This is fucking horrible. I guess kudos for no longer censoring nipples?  But everything else? It's dull as dishwater and tastes just as nasty. Not to mention Saints Row 3 remaster looked better than this. Played better than this. That was just a reskin of a 2011 game.

Play at your own risk. I'm sorry but not exactly shocked Volition went down after that experience.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!