Watching this is a trip. What Rising once was. Kinda neat to see Epic demonstrating Gears for the last time. Don is a robot. Kinect *shudder*
The Sony one was really hard to watch. They spent an hour telling people this is what a Wii is..erm I mean PS Move is. Nintendo's 2010 show to me was the best that year even if 20/20 vision shows some of that did not pan out well. Other M, yikes. Golden Sun DS, bleh. DK and Kirby were great. Sin N Punishment.
TBH I'm so glad E3 is dead. These were painful then. Corp preamble is annoying. Buzzwords. Awkward rehearsed shit. Directs in general are so much better for everyone last few years. Even a showcase/direct sucks, at least it's short.