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Last night my wife suddenly demanded to know who "Zoe" is. She's so upset she's physically shaking. I can't remember who Zoe is, she keeps asking who Zoe is. After a while my memory associates the name with video game visuals but I can't quite place in which game, just that is was a couple years ago. That didn't help.

She revealed that she was looking for a post I was about to make (about some Zelda related stuff, glitched horse hanging on a high wire) however I didn't post it yet and she clicked on more results. This shit turns up:

Those seemingly randomly generated links all link to malicious spam sites, mostly porn, mostly localized. It's different every time, she clicked on one and go a full blast of porn, meet locals in Brantford (town right next to us which is where location services put my IP address) and local porn chat sites. And the links make it look like I was a member there in 2021...

It looks like the content (my name and date) come from r/road96 where I posted for a while in September 2021.
Great little game, enjoyed it very much and even made a video about it

Yet wtf. Some bot scraped Reddit for keywords and put my username in there as well linking it to local porn.

Anyway all is good between my wife and me, mystery solved, but that was not a nice evening at all. Is there anyway to fix this? I reported the results page to Google, made a spam report as well and messaged the moderators at r/road96. No idea of any of that will lead to cleaning up my search results :/