I was busy at launch and didn't get around to playing Starfield until Sunday but this was my journey to New Atlantis...
photo mode seems cool so I tested it out right after making my character.
Sat down for a quick rest after filling my pack with 50 cups, 17 spoons, 5 food trays and 8 plants amongst a ton of other junk until I was full and then hit the gym and took weightlifting with my first skillpoint so I could carry even more but I didn't want to dump any of it as I thought it's money when I get to town so after a lot of random exploration and doing anything but the main story I arrived in New Atlantis.
When I arrived I was carrying way to much that I could barely run 5 seconds before o2 was depleted I eventually found the shop and offloaded about 2k credits which sounded great until I ventured into the crew lounge and saw 30,000 hire fess which I managed to persuade to 15,000 and was like damn thats alot which then I remembered I took to Taskmaster trait which doubles the crew cost lol.
The next part of my journey was to actually progress the main story so I pressed RB to sprint because I was playing another game that used it which actually threw a grenade into the crowds which in turn got me attacked by the security and which led to a new helmet and a bounty on my name and as I was walking past some tables I started to pick up a few more coffee cups and some dude shouted over another security guard for me so I clicked to go off quietly thinking I could make a run for it which didn't work out as I was sent to jail for 6 days and lost over a level of xp.
notice the negative xp...
That's my character and the background and traits I decided to go with and the few first few hours of time I spent in the game whilst having plenty of fun and it's not even got started really.