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On one hand, it doesn't really matter that the more powerful PS5 and XBS systems will be the same price or cheaper by then; this is Nintendo's new system and $399 is a perfectly acceptable price for a new console in this day and age, particularly one with its own unique trait that the others just can't match on the same level.

On the other hand, whatever price Nintendo chooses will likely stand pat for the duration of its life, just like this gen, and it's hard to imagine the system costing well over $400 when the inevitable OLED model launches. But if we really do see Switch 2 prices at $349 (LCD) and $399 (OLED), then Switch 1's price is going to have to drop considerably. The price difference between a $299 Switch 1 (OLED) and the hot, new Switch 2 LCD with b/c at $349 is not going to be enough to distance the former and maintain its own level of value.

Realistically, I'm expecting it to be in the $379 - $399 range.