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Hiku said:

They are probably doing this expecting to lose fewer than 20% of their subscribers, as that's around the figure that would still make them more money than if they kept the current pricings.

In other words, if more than 20% unsubscribe or don't renew as a result of this, that may cause them to reverse course.

If you are on a subscription that's about to expire, it could be a good idea to not renew at least for a while and see how they react.
I'm unfortunately on a year long sub that won't expire any time soon, so I can't really join in on the 'protest'.

And yeah, if this sticks, Nintendo and Microsoft will likely be considering something like this as well.

It's still cheaper than MS' prices though, but yeah Nintendo might follow suit.
(MS doesn't have discounts for yearly subscriptions and Sony is now reducing the yearly discount)

Sony is raising the yearly price from 50 to 60 pounds. The same on XBox costs you 84 pounds a year (Gamepass Core 6.99 a month, same as PS+ essential but no yearly recurring option on XBox). It was kind of inevitable for Sony to raise the 50 pound yearly PS essential price :/ At least they should still have the discount around BF, which is when I usually top up on ps+ (even though it's just my kids using it now)

Oh well, the general public has chosen they're fine paying to use their own internet. Sure some people will let it lapse but I doubt it will be more than 20% of the long term subscribers. It sucks, too many gamers can't survive without party chat :/ Meanwhile split-screen is pretty much being phased out by MS and Sony doesn't give a shit that it's still broken in GT7 and PC has shit tied down so you need multiple copies to play together over LAN. (At least on console you can play together with 1 copy) Want to play together, pay extra! :(