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I just added up what I think are likely numbers for rest of the weeks and I came out with 4.464 million, just 30k shy of 2019, but it wouldn't surprise me if a few weeks are 10-20k higher than I put in, meaning it could definitely finish just over 4.5m, beating out 2019 by maybe even like 50k. Though I could see as low as 4.38-4.40 happening if there are a few slow weeks or if the holiday is decently weaker than last year.

Quite the change from beginning of the year when I was thinking ~3.8m. And plenty of people on here early in the year were saying it wouldn't even beat 2018 and would end up at like 3.3-3.4 million! Mario movie and especially TotK really changed the entire trajectory of Switch sales in Japan. It's crazy how much stronger Switch is in Japan than anywhere else now. Japan is literally Switch's biggest weekly market week in and week out these days.