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UnderwaterFunktown said:

TBH I don't fully get the glorification of 90s games. The 90s had some bangers for sure, but many games were unpolished, unbalanced, buggy (back when most games didn't get patches so you just had to live with it) or just made the weirdest design choices.

And some games from the 90's are still online, still receive patches, updates and content... On PC at least.

StarCraft: Brood Wars comes to mind... As does Age of Empires 2.

I would argue... Games in the 90's were less buggy than today... You only need to take a look at Cyberpunk 2077, Battlefield 2042, Redfall, Golem, Anthem, Last of Us PC, Fallout 76, Batman Arkham Knight, GTA Trilogy remastered, No Man's Sky, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Marvels: Avengers, various Assassins Cred titles and so many more to see how feature incomplete, unbalanced, buggy and unpolished today's games are.

Back in the 90's games generally didn't need any patches, we could play them as soon as we dropped the cartridge in.

The fact that games like Baldurs Gate 3 is being celebrated DUE to how playable it is on release day is a testament to how quality control has slipped in gaming and highlights a key market issue.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--