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I really want to keep playing but it's 2am and with the talk about the slow start and all the systems and stuff to read, I don't think I can do all of that in the middle of the night, I need to be refreshed and prepared to really delve deep into these things, Lol. Probably for the best to start it early tomorrow and then I'll be no lifing it all day

Ahh well, I hope everyone else enjoys it, I hate unlocks past 12am

I just did the part up to making my character but it's so late and I'm shit at making characters, I just went with a fairly default look and confirmed my background/trait/name ready for tomorrow, Lol. You can change all your customisation later anyway for a cheap price (apparently) and fairly early in the game so I think I'll do that, I just want to play the game, Lol.
