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Also the slow start can't be any worse than Red Dead Redemption 2's slow start, I don't want to hear anyone complaining about Starfield's slow start who also doesn't complain about Red Dead Redemption 2's! Lmao. That start of RDR2 was something else, I'm glad I stuck with it because the story was amazing but the start was so dull for hours.

Honestly, the entire game is "slow" in terms of gameplay and never picks up in "gameplay" which is a reason why I will never replay Red Dead Redemption 2. Starfield can't be any worse than RDR2's "slowness" because the gameplay is faster paced and it actually picks up according to reviews, eventually. Plus I have plenty of time to get through a slow start, haha.

Basically, Starfield is slow at the start in both gameplay and story but eventually picks up according to reviewers but Imo, Red Dead Redemption 2 was slow in both gameplay and story and while it did pick up in story, it never picked up in gameplay, Imo. And I still loved it but yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll not mind a temporary slow start to Starfield having played something like RDR2.

Thanks to Spade for reminding me of RDR2.

I do think the inventory management complaint is odd in a Bethesda title...