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And yes, today there's a part three:

Factorio's giant Space Age expansion is coming in 2024
Sound the factory-sirens, folks, Wube Software has announced that expansion Factorio: Space Age is coming in 2024. The expansion will make the immensely popular Factorio roughly double in size, Wube has previously said, and the concept has been in the works since at least 2016.

Here's a really weird puzzle platformer where you're a hand
Have you ever thought "Wow! I love 3D Platformers, but I really don't need this entire character. Perhaps I could get by with just one of the character's hands!"?
If so, please seek professional help, but also here's your game: Super Adventure Hand, set to release next month on Steam, is a game where you're a crawling, flicking, pulling hand on a rollicking adventure to defeat some evil... feet. There's a lot of goofy physics puzzling and a truly outrageous number of hand puns.

Blasphemous 2 lands with yet more disturbingly Catholic horrors to kill
The souls-like metroidvania world of Blasphemous 2 dropped this week and it's already doing pretty dang well, with a peak player count of nearly 10,000 tripling the first game's top pop number. Blasphemous got a lot of praise for its twisted, dark-fantasy adaptation of the strange and fascinating world of Spanish Catholicism, with developers The Game Kitchen based as they are in Seville, Spain.

All the Warframe news out of TennoCon 2023, like about that guy that lives in your wall
Warframe's big TennoCon event for the year has come, and the announcement of new expansions, skins, frames, and more are rolling in hot and fresh. That includes a new story arc, Whispers in the Walls, a new frame in the Abyss of Dagath update, and some kind of wild prequel event in Warframe: 1999.

Soulframe's shaping up to be a slower-paced, more grounded fantasy from Warframe studio Digital Extremes
We've finally got an extended look at Soulframe, the upcoming fantasy action RPG from Warframe developers Digital Extremes. This weekend's TennoCon saw a short gameplay spotlight trailer, above, and a thirty-minute extended reveal of gameplay and character options, below. In that we got a picture of a fantasy world about player Envoy characters reclaiming the natural world of magical ancestors from a controlling, corrupting force.

Diablo 4's toning down monsters' power to slow, stun, chill and otherwise cramp your style
This week's Diablo 4 patch will tone down the ability of monsters to control players, nerfing a variety of crowd control effects across the entire game. The variety of cold-enchanted elites with exceptionally quick attacks will no longer pop you with the cold enchant every single hit, Cold Spiders will chill you less, Cold Goatmen will drop ice pillars slower, and chilling winds will overlap its nasty walls less often. That's in addition to a variety of slows and stuns getting shorter durations or more easily avoided animations.

David Gaider says Baldur’s Gate 3 is a 'monumental achievement'
Dragon Age's lead writer has taken to Twitter (sorry, X) to sing the praises of Baldur’s Gate 3. Having completed the game, David Gaider has made clear to the world his appreciation for the writing skill, and the love and care the devs at Larian Studios have put into the vast branching narratives of this true Game Of The Year contender.

The time of Warhaven is almost upon us
For anyone awaiting the "full contact sword action" free-to-play PvP game that is Warhaven, you’ll be best pleased to hear that this "visceral medieval-fantasy sword fight experience" finally has a release date.
Having been working on Warhaven for three years now, Nexon has graced us with a date on which to rally the troops for some olde worlde multiplayer slashing, piercing, and magic-wielding fun.

Deep sea deception game Underlab is Among Us but with flamethrowers
Coming at us with a reveal trailer from the recent Future Game Show, mysterious underwater deception game Underlab is the sister game of Project Winter. It reeks of Among Us-esque chaos, but with a few key differences.
Similar to Among Us, Underlab is a game based on social deception. Unlike Among Us, this one involves big ol' guns—flamethrowers included.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.