What's your favorite space encounter or activity?
There are a couple that I really like but that I want to keep under wraps until after the game releases so that they can be a surprise to players. One that I've always loved features a hapless tour guide leading a bunch of excited townies out for a space tour and are very excited to meet a "real captain". The dialogue is hilarious. We also have Legendary Ship encounters – these are huge, high level enemy ships that will dramatically outclass the player through the early part of the game that you have to build up to being able to destroy.
I also really like our derelict ships – we built a bunch of handcrafted derelict ships that focus on the tragedies and perils of space travel that the player can explore and discover the stories behind. The best part about these is we solicited stories from people outside the design team for their contributions, so folks who don't normally get to contribute content to the game were able to put their unique stamp on the game. One of our designers that came from the modding scene, Kris Takahashi, also built several really exciting ship encounters.