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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

The funny thing is 100% of a small userbase is worse than 70% of a large userbase. This is actually a pretty shit deal considering the flack people give you if you say you are EGS exclusive. The only developers that should make their games EGS exclusive should take a money deal and not this nonsense. Personally I'd rather have no one take any deals but if they want to, they better get one where EGS gives them money up front.

All this is going to do is get more devs to come out of the woodwork to bitch at customers as to why they're going for the 100% cut and give us some sappy sob story as to why "fuck you customer". 

I've seen what happened with Ooblets and other games, where Timmy has congratulated the bad behaviour towards customers and fans.

I guarantee you, any game that goes exclusive for each of those 6 months is never getting a sale from me, even when they hit Steam. I have never bought a game that was a timed EGS excusive, even when it hits Steam, I just slapped them onto ignore, and I've 0 intentions of ever changing that, simply because Epic stuck to their  guns, so they've no real intention to change, thus I'm going to stick to mine.

This feels a lot like what MS did back in the day. Sure MS have gotten better with PC over time, but I still to this day, do not trust them at all, and I'm still pissed that thanks to their shitty GFWL system, a number of my games are just fucked forever. I am a guy that is very hard to regain trust with. if you do me wrong numerous times, it will take a decade if not a lifetime to make it up (because if you've done it numerous times, it means you aren't learning to do better or not do wrong, and it also means you don't care, so the scorn is rightfully earned if you keep doing the wrong moves).

Also on a side note:, I'd love if Epic would stop getting devs to enforce their EoS "crossplay", because no one on Steam is asking in the millions to play with EGS users, and this form of "crossplay" is rendering my games into always online titles, and that is pissing me right the fuck off, that I'm now having to uninstall the games and block the studios on Steam (because fuck buying from a dev doing Epic's shitty dirty work of fucking over a client I use). 

Last edited by Chazore - on 24 August 2023

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"