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  • Multiple passive POI’s across the galaxy to find. An example he gave was a set of farms where the people give resources to the people of other planets
  • Lots of settlements with their own people and quests to find outside of the major cities
  • Doesn’t know if you can fly from planet to planet as Grav Driving is much quicker
  • Museum on New Atlantis explains the lore of the game. The colony war, what happened to Earth etc.
  • Adoring fan can not become a robot (LOL?)
  • There’s an enormous amount of creatures. He has no clue how many are in the game
  • Also has no clue how long it would take to 100% the game. Says after 150 hours he isn’t even slightly close
  • Lots of mod support post launch
  • Mission boards can ask you to build outposts on planets.
  • He gave a hilarious example where the mission board gave him a quest to take two people across to a different planet (space taxi?). After 5 hours he found the 2 people still on board his ship and realised he had completely forgot to take them to their destination.
  • People on PC who have played the game early have said performance is smooth

Pete Hines Q&A Summary: : r/Starfield