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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Intel Expresses Confidence in “Intel 4” Process, Says Its Competitive With TSMC’s 3nm Node

Intel has the advantage of backside power delivery (5-15% efficiency improvement), which TSMC will only introduce in their second-generation N2 process. However, their sole library attributes' such as cell height and pitch are more comparable to TSMC's N7 and N5.

It's not comparable in any way to TSMC's N3, except for the lower-density cells using a relaxed pitch that will be a part of the logic used in the high-performance N3 libraries.

I suppose, given the naming scheme, that Intel hoped to have this out and taking orders a year ago at the latest but it didn't work out. A shame, for it would have been very competitive with N5 and N4 especially at HPC.