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I'll actually comment on Padib a little more, Padib's questions were garbage, his "Christian values" is code for bigotry, Russia's "Christian values" are excuses to perform bigotry and genocide. That is all that needs to be said. That is why people are calling him out mostly on that specific point. The only "Christian values" being lost in the West are ones used to excuse bigotry.

So give me a break with the "woe is me" Christian argument, especially in a thread where a country is often using Christianity as an excuse to commit horrific acts. I have no issue with Christians as a whole, we have a user in here who is quite clearly Christian and supporting Ukraine but a decent sized portion of people and groups use religion as an excuse to commit horrific acts, such as Russia, and that causes the reactions you see here.

Nobody is saying "All Christians Suck!" or "Only Christians Do Bad Things!" but making an observation that a lot of Christians do bad shit and don't follow their own teachings to not be massive dickheads. This thread is about the Ukraine war anyway, not the Christian group, Padib made it slightly on-topic with his baiting questions but now it's going off topic so you can discuss Christians in society elsewhere, US Politics? PMs? I don't care.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 22 August 2023