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SecondWar said:
COKTOE said:

OK so, this is directed at me. Maybe you decided to half-heartedly, indirectly respond to me without a quote, because you lack the courage of your convictions. Like most Christians do! And what was twisted? Please explain!

My post was literally under yours. Where is the rule that I have to quote you? It was fairly obvious I was directing it at you and you didn’t seem to have any trouble figuring that out.

You twisted his words as you claimed pi-guy said Christians are the only group who don’t seem to follow to the instructions of their own scripture. He did not say that.

It was, literally under my post.

It may have not been, had someone posted before you did, and I may not have noticed it had I not waited for a response and refreshed for as long as I did, but thanks for literally explaining the situation to me. I literally didn't try to invoke any rule. I literally just pointed out that someone with 2500 posts should know how to respond properly.

And then I literally asked you how I "twisted" his words, and to literally PLEASE EXPLAIN!

And then you posted the same thing again. Literally.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."