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I've been in a real mood for more Sci-Fi TPS. My friend convinced me to buy Alien Firesteam Elite. I was misled online that I needed to be online to play Single Player. NOT THE CASE! So I have been playing it and sure it's a budget game. It's no Gears or VanQuish but you know what? It's quite fun. It scratches that itch. I do wish it had better healing options.

Oh and woke up to a great email today. Namco shipped my Armored Core VI CE!

As for Sony, we have seen their answer. Forming new studios. Buying Bungie. You don't need to spend 70 billion to answer it. Honestly, that is the MS way of doing shit and I hate it. Making new studios and accumulating smaller ones is the better way to go. Funny how MS bought a bunch of studios in 2018 and so little to show for it for years. Xbox had long droughts and PS5 never did first party. So nothing to worry about honestly. MS is historically poor at managing studios' output and quality control. Not a big fan of either overall first-party output minus a coupe IPs but just how I see it.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!