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…then, early in the morning, Ukrainians attacked the Soltsy-2 Air Base in the Novogorod region of the Russian Federation. Some 600km north of the border to Ukraine, and then – reportedly – by several quadcopters. One of UAVs hit a Tupolev Tu-22M-3 bomber while this was being refuelled, causing a conflagration: reportedly, two bombers were blown up, and a third damaged so severely that it was rendered irreparable. Latest reports are indicating 6-7 killed (including at least one pilot and four of the ground crew), and another 11 wounded. According to Russian reports, the air defences of this base were weakened: all radars and SAMs were withdrawn to bolster the defence of Moscow, and thus limited to 'few Kalashnikovs'. Four refurbished Kh-22 missiles and one fuel truck were destroyed, too.

Ukraine War, 21 August 2023: Hill 166 - Sarcastosaurus

Tom Cooper is saying that Ukraine took out 3 of those Tu-22M bombers.

Which is quite the strike because Russia only operates 60ish of them and their serviceability rate is ~50%.