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padib said:

I have a few questions for this thread:
- Does this thread foster discourse and open discussion towards constructivism and critical exchange of ideas?

Spreading misinformation and advocating for hatred is not up for discussion. 

I don't know what would bug me more. That you don't understand any basic positions here, or if you do understand them and you're intentionally being dishonest about them. 

padib said:

I have a few questions for this thread:
- Do you truly care about Ukrainians and their lives? If so, how much do you care inside?
- What are you hoping for Ukraine to achieve through this conflict? Does the goal justify the cost?

- What would have happened if Ukraine had stayed neutral and refused America's influence? Speak cost of life please.


I hope they retain their freedom. You know what freedom is, right? (I know you're not able to reply to this, but just think about it)

padib said:

- Is Russia being threatened by NATO and if not explain.

- Is hatred towards Russians during this war at this moment racism in your view, or is it somehow exempt? What is your justification for hatred, and can hatred be justified? Is it acceptable to despise a person for the country they are born in and are loyal to without knowing anything about them?

- Why do you trust the west (USA, European countries)? Do they have a track-record of being clean in the past 50 years geopolitically?

There is no hatred for Russians.This is not an issue with the people, it is an issue with the government. A government that values power and money over the lives of people. I guess in your twisted world, those are Christian values. 

I don't trust the West. My question here would be why do you trust Russia when they've made plenty of statements that are every bit as dangerous as "the west" has claimed them to be.

padib said:

- How does this conflict lead us towards a better world?
- Are you proud of the current social fabric of the USA, Canada and European countries, the degradation of traditionally Christian values such as the traditional family, proliferation of sexual promiscuity, pornography, and media that encourages greed, egocentrism, hate, fear, deceit and blasphemy? Do you think this is a good direction for modern civilization? Is this a societal model you would like to see a traditionally orthodox Christian country like Ukraine follow? What are the implications for Ukraine's moral structure?

The ironic thing is that over half of your list is being pushed primarily by people that claim to have Christian values in the first place. 

Here you are, espousing "Christian values", while ignoring the greed and egocentrism that fuels Russia's president, the fear and hate that they've spread.

Maybe there would be less degradation of Christian values if Christians actually did half of what they're supposed to believe in.