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coolbeans said:

Ok... I'm not a fan of how Mark Kern's tweet either, but the implications with "dev" are outright obnoxious.  You're talking about someone who was an old-school Blizzard dev, including StarCraft, Diablo II, & team lead for WoW, who was partly inspired to leave based on moral grounds.  It'd be nice if we just stuck to casual dunking of a dumb tweet versus this attitude.

I'm sorry but saying that he left partly inspired by morale grounds is speculation, and we really don't know at the end; could have just been good timing but bringing that to show some bright light is not working for me at least. You can do something nice (or like this one; speculate that he did instead of using it as a good excuse because of the timing) and still be an ass... 

Posting something like that shows me that he is not that "nice" guy at all actually. This is really bad to shit on other devs esp. if he is in the industry for so long. He knows how those devs worked their ass for years to bring that game up and it is very disrespectful.

To me, that guy sounds like a complete jerk. Being a long-time dev does not change that.

And this goes for all the other 'devs' posting that kind of shit lately; this is a really dicky attitude and what is the point of doing that and bitching other players/devs in your industry.

Edit: I'm a dev, and I'm particularly sensible to this; same when someone in my team talks shit about another dev; this is just the worse.

Last edited by Imaginedvl - on 20 August 2023