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160rmf said:

Smash Bros the only thing I can think is keep Ultimate but make a Deluxe edition with a proper story mode. I won't forgive them if they cut some characters, even the fire Emblem ones (as long if they don't add 5 more slots for the franchise)

They aren't gonna outdo Ultimate, and they shouldn't just "Deluxe" it, so either:

(1) keep battle mode the same but grow the story mode, as you're saying 160rmf, into a full lengthy action-adventure game, perhaps in the style of Subspace Emissary but much much bigger and deeper, with real story and plot for different characters, plot lines for characters diverging and converging, and really worthy of being a great standalone game by itself. Though it definitely shouldn't be just "Ultimate Deluxe" because that would be terrible marketing and make people much less interested in it if they thought it was just an updated version of a game they've already bought. Next gen Smash should not be an Ultimate port no matter how "Deluxe". It should be a different game, as all Smash games have been, not trying to outdo Ultimate but just making the normal small changes/tweaks to the gameplay and content, probably simplifying down a bit to get rid of some characters and stages but also of course add a few new characters and a few new stages, and of course do normal small updates to the moves and so on, but then really make a proper expansive full-on game for the story mode.

(2) make Smash fully online and make it come with NSO expansion pack to get more people to sign up for the subscription, and this way they don't have to keep making a new Smash each gen and trying to iterate on a pretty perfected formula, and they can either add a bit of content annually or do a 'seasons' format like some other games do.

(3) keep the gameplay the same and give us just another iteration of Smash as we are used to, but totally change up the art style so that even if the game is just another Smash it looks totally different. Could be really cartoony cel shaded graphics, maybe even anime-ish, or they could make the first actual 2D Smash but give it a really badass stylized art style. Just something that would make it look totally different if they are just gonna do another normal Smash bros. The art style would give it uniqueness in the series.

I could go with any of these options, the one thing I think they can't do is just give us another plain iteration on Smash. They've already done the "ultimate" version of what Smash has been working towards since they created the series. I can't think of something outside these three unless they actually changed up the core fighting gameplay but that would obviously be risky to do for one of their most popular franchises.

Last edited by Slownenberg - on 20 August 2023