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despite the fact, this is an obvious fishing expedition to try to stir the conversation from its intended purpose and blame the victim along the way, I'll still reply to it but by not quoting it directly as to make a generalist rebuttal of commonly shared misinformed opinion.

- Does this thread foster discourse and open discussion towards constructivism and critical exchange of ideas?

In some capacity yes but this thread mainly reports on the situation and discussion about potential development. Not sure why a focus on constructivism should be a barrier to sharing knowledge.

- Do you truly care about Ukrainians and their lives?

Yes, and Russians live too.

- If so, how much do you care inside?

 The same as a do for citizens of every other country.

- What are you hoping for Ukraine to achieve through this conflict?

Your question suggests you've been misinformed, Ukrainian did not provoke this conflict they are not the ones looking for gains they only stand for themselves and their right to be.

- Does the goal justify the cost?

Ask Russia, they're the sole responsible for this conflict and the one party looking to achieve goals out of it. Ukraine is only defending its existence and freedom.

- Is Russia being threatened by NATO and if not explain.

Maybe you should explain first what threat there is? please explain why, if nato was such a threat, Russia is still standing despite being in such a weak state all through the 90s and early 2000s. Why if nato was such a threat were they the ones fueling Russia's economy by buying their fossil fuel up to the point they were nearly dependent on them?

- What would have happened if Ukraine had stayed neutral and refused America's influence?

Explain what would be a neutral Ukraine for you. A Ukraine still under a Russian puppets leader curbing most Ukrainians' basic rights and sending all their wealth to Russian oligarchs in various corruption schemes? How is this considered neutral? The neutral your speak of is accepting to be hostage and dependent on the whims of a dictator.

- Speak cost of life please.

Again Russia is the sole responsible for every casualty in this conflict but even then you have to be blind to think Ukraine would fare better to remain the obedient slave of Russia. It was not that long ago that for the sake of promoting an idea because it wasn't shared amongst the West that Russia created the condition for the Holodomor that killed millions of Ukrainians.

Your position is the same as saying the West should have caved to nazi germany to prevent short-term casualty.

- Why do you trust the west (USA, European countries)?

Define trust and exactly what should be considered on that scale. 

- Do they have a track-record of being clean in the past 50 years geopolitically?

Much more so than Russia does. 

- Is hatred towards Russians during this war at this moment racism in your view, or is it somehow exempt?

Is the view that Ukrainians should have no say in their own future and freedom and accept to be no more than mere slaves to Russian oligarchs not racism towards Ukrainians and Ukrainian's right to decide for themselves?

I bare no hatred towards Russians that is not specifically limited to those in powers

- What is your justification for hatred, and can hatred be justified?

Your post is trying to justify Russian hatred for the West and Ukrainians or that at the very least a whole country should give in to Russia's hatred for the West. So ask this question to yourself.

Should Ukraine stop defending their territory to do philosophical thinking on this while Russia continues shelling them/murdering them, abducting their children to try to assimilate them as Russian?

- Is it acceptable to despise a person for the country they are born in and are loyal to without knowing anything about them?

Exactly no, but maybe you should tell that to Russian soldiers castrating Ukrainian pow, or Russian citizens blindly accepting their state propaganda and thinking of Ukraine as a low-class country fostering nazism.

- How does this conflict lead us toward a better world?

Ask Russia, again they are the ones that have initiated the conflict and are the ones with all the power to end it anytime.

- Are you proud of the current social fabric of the USA, Canada and European countries, the degradation of traditionally Christian values such as the traditional family, proliferation of sexual promiscuity, pornography, and media that encourages greed, egocentrism, hate, fear, deceit and blasphemy?

This loaded question share more info on yourself than anything else seriously. What kinds of social fabric would you be proud of? Ones where individual freedom is restricted and controlled by the state even when said expressing said freedom does not restrict anyone others freedom in any way. 

- Do you think this is a good direction for modern civilization?

Why would I not see this as preferable to a civilization where citizens are told what to believe in by 2000-year-old books and restricted in their liberty by a few rulers/ seekers of Christian traditionalist votes fueled agenda wants to restrict them to?

- Is this a societal model you would like to see a traditionally orthodox Christian country like Ukraine follow?

You look like you're the one looking to impose restrictions on how Ukrainians want to live their own lives by giving in to the Russian aggression. Ukraine are being punished because they decided to choose for themselves.

- What are the implications for Ukraine's moral structure?

In all probability, those implications are far better than the so frequently observed implications of the Russian moral structure.

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 19 August 2023