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CV-90s will be produced in Ukraine in the future.

3. Ukrainian pilots are already taking part in testing “Gripen” fighter aircraft. We discussed further steps to transfer them to Ukraine.

4. We are preparing the transfer of Sweden’s new, 13th security assistance package.

5. Sweden joined the Peace Formula, more specifically its items on the restoration of nuclear safety, justice, environment protection, and humanitarian mine clearance.

6. Ukraine will be ready to open EU accession talks this year and we have Sweden’s support on our path to the EU.

7. Our teams will discuss the bilateral document on security guarantees following the G7 Declaration last month.

8. Sweden stands ready to provide advanced water pumping systems to restore water supply after Russian terror act at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Plant.

9. Sweden will take active part in Ukraine’s recovery, including with the engagement of private capital.

10. Ukraine counts on Sweden, Swedish regions and companies taking patronage over Ukrainian regions and spheres which require recovery after Russian strikes.

I am grateful to Sweden for its firm and consistent support. Together, we protect life, freedom, and our common values.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 August 2023