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I'm fairly early in the game, so while the choices are on every step, I'm not sure how much they matter overall (whether they are in the end just cosmetics, or they actually change the world). I find gameplay to be actually worse than BG1/2 - exploration is very slow, camera is completely wrong for this type of game (as if ther isn't numerous iso cRPGs out there they could've copied in that regard), inventory is a mess and they managed to make turned based combat actually worse than real time with pause of the originals (which was based on AD&D 2e with weapon speed option, so it actually worked quite well as real time with pause).
If anything, I find something like The Age of Decadence to be better for advancing roleplay experience than BG3, but BG3 being high budget DnD title pushed by Hasbro will certainly make more splash than some indy game.