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curl-6 said:
Slownenberg said:

For sure better graphics is way more important than 4k or 60fps. 30fps is perfectly fine except for that rare game that has really fast action ie. mario kart, smash, fzero you probably want 60fps, most other Nintendo-made games aren't really fast action so 30fps is great. These days some people act like 30fps is slow lol, 30fps has long been the standard and you only start noticing slowdown if it gets down to around 20fps so a rock solid 30 is perfect for the majority of games. And obviously in handheld it only needs to do whatever the screen resolution is (I'm guessing it won't even be 1080, probably 900), with DLSS maybe it'll be able to push it up to 4k in docked I dunno but really not necessary at all. 4k would be mostly just for marketing rather than actually being important to have for games.

I'd much rather be having a nice big generational graphical leap still playing games at 1080p and 30fps than a somewhat more moderate generational leap playing games at 4k and 60fps.

Anyway, this is supposed to be games discussion not graphics discussion haha

Games wise I am quite happy with the way they make them already; Switch games like BOTW, TOTK, Mario Odyssey, Metroid Dread, Xenoblade 2 and 3, Splatoon 2 and 3, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, all terrific stuff.

I mean, it'd be cool to see them take things further with regards to scope and seamlessness, and for something like the next Zelda, even more in-depth physics and interactivity, but even with the Switch we're kinda passed the point where more power means radically more gameplay possibilities. Even on PS5 most games are essentially PS3/360 games with prettier pixels.

For sure at this point more detailed graphics isn't gonna improve gameplay, just makes things prettier. Obviously next gen everything will take a leap in graphical quality, but like you said with wanting gorgeous, lush, richly detailed worlds, I prefer that too over something like bumping up fps and resolution. So yeah give us next gen leap in graphics, and don't try to be the consoles with 4k/60fps instead using some of that extra power to make lush richly detailed worlds. Like you said Zelda could have even more in-depth physics....I'd actually disagree with that. I don't see any point in trying to do that, that's an area where Zelda really doesn't need any improvement, but instead use that power to fill out the flora and fauna of the world. That sort of stuff actually would make a difference, as opposed to just more polygons per item, higher res, higher framerate. I mean I expect next gen to put out higher resolutions when docked, but definitely don't want this seeming obsession with console gamers of demanding 4k/60fps, cuz that's just unneccesary.

Luckily because few of Nintendo's franchises go for the realistic art style I think we will indeed have Nintendo using excess power for more interesting things that actually add to the games, rather than just bumping up polygons per item, fps, and resolution.