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mZuzek said:

^ I disagree with y'all so much. The last thing Star Fox should be is open world.

What about…… But I agree, making something open-world doesn’t automatically make it better or more appealing. It’s really hard to say whether or not a traditional Star Fox can succeed because the series has been so mismanaged over decades.

Star Fox sold 3 million, Star Fox 64 was a bigger/better version and sold 4 million, they built off the success of these two on-rail shooters by releasing……a Zelda-esque adventure game? Adventures was a cool game but it’s Star Fox in name only and should have been a new IP like originally planned.

Then we had Assault, which I think the concept was going in the right direction but the execution wasn’t great and it had mixed reviews. Combine that with the fact it released on GameCube in 2005 when the system was really struggling (it was always struggling but 2005/2006 were really bad) and the game didn’t have much chance of success.

Next was Command, which I never played but from what I understand it had turn based gameplay like battleship so it also wasn’t a traditional title and didn’t sell very well. Then we had an updated port of Star Fox 64 and it did over 1 million. Zero was another mixed reviewed title for with awkward use of the Wii U Gamepad, play it was on Wii U so not much chance of success based on that alone.

Basically they had two really successful titles then followed that up with a bunch of experimental stuff that didn’t resonate with fans of the series. We have yet to a traditional title on a popular platform.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.