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Just make a Star Fox game that is bigger, much much bigger, than the old games. I remember I got Star Fox 64 the day it came out and I beat it that same day. First time I'd ever beaten a game the day I got it. It was a great game but sooo short. The rails shooting is fine but they gotta make the game bigger. I like the idea of an open world hub where you have tons of missions to choose from, though a more linear (or pathway'd game the way 64 was) is fine too as long as there are lots of levels and its not a $60 game you finish in a day or two.

I'd be fine with them trying out an open world Star Fox as well. Starlink looked cool but its problem was just the gameplay loop just got redundant. Hell I dunno maybe do a mix of things where you've got open air levels with on-rails levels connecting them and as the game progresses you have to traverse around the open air / on-rails world to go fight battles but each time you have to cross back through a level you played to get somewhere that level has changed a bunch.

long story short, Nintendo, just make another Star Fox! (and Fzero! haha)