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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

The thing is that I think Linus and his team needed a wake up call and a change in their attitude towards how reviews are handled. Many of us watch LTT including me from time to time. Their shows are entertaining and reviews are much easier to swallow than GamersNexus and Hardware Unboxed. With GN, I mainly just watch the into/conclusion and skip through the graphics. With HUB, I mainly do the same just go directly to the average. With Linus, I can watch the entire review without falling asleep unlike the other two.

But their attitude towards having mistakes in their videos has always been uncaring. Sure they have a new CEO and they claim they will improve but with virtually every review video, they contentiously made mistakes. But that in itself isn't the worst thing, the worst thing is how Linus himself opening admitted to not wanting to redo testing even if the data was wrong because it would cost them money. That is an unacceptable attitude and it clearly shows the culture being LMG and it essentially all culminated into the Billet Labs video where Linus was perfectly okay with testing a water block that was not designed for the GPU and coming to the conclusion that it was bad even though he tested on a GPU the waterblock was not made for. Billet Labs even sent Linus the proper GPU with the proper waterblock but guess what? They lost it...

So imo, the reason why this blew up so much is because Linus and his team needed an intervention. Many people posted in the comments through a ton of their videos over various years about issues that were not getting better. Many people during the WAN show told Linus directly that they should retest Billet Labs video because it was tested improperly. And what did Linus do? Double down on making excuses as to why even though he had bad data, he wasn't going to retest it. This is why I am glad GN made the video because Linus was not getting the message regardless of how many times the community told him.

And yes, they got a new Ceo... But he's from Dell... One of the worst companies on the planet... So I am not going have confidence until I see actual proof but I do agree about the Madison thing.

I guess Linus could have avoided this mess had he just listened to his regular viewers! Linus and even the LMG community (and lets face it the PC community at large) tend to be on the arrogant side of things, which is what pushed me away from the WAN show, LTT Forums and other content. That being said I generally feel like he doesn't have malice in any of his takes or actions ( even when I go through what happened with this Billet situation). I hope he and the rest of the group recover from this and come back strong. 

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