And, to save time to those not into Baldur's Gate 3, here are the non-mod related articles about it that went live during the weekend:
If you're stuck in the middle of Baldur's Gate 3's karmic dice debate, Larian says you should think of it like 'a friendly DM'
There's been a lot of chatter in the last few weeks about whether you should have Baldur's Gate 3's karmic dice option turned on or off. It's something that's turned on by default, intended to help level the playing field a bit and throw a few good rolls your way when things are looking very much bad and vice versa. Some players claimed that it was actively gimping their high-end gameplay though, with enemies receiving the same treatment with fudged dice rolls—dealing massive damage and causing survivability issues all round. Despite Larian saying it was an early access issue that would be fixed in the full release, there's still been tons of players going to bat for both sides of the argument.
With so much uncertainty around the feature, IGN noted that director of publishing Michael Douse has attempted to boil down the way they work in the best way possible. "It's an option," he tweeted. "Options are good. If you feel like you're failing too many rolls, it'll balance it out like a friendly DM. Like D&D groups, we give folks options to help hone the experience to their taste." In a follow-up tweet, Douse added: "The dice will always ensure you have a story to tell, but if you want the RNG gods to be slightly weighted in your favour, then karmic dice is for you."
PSA: You can improve DLSS in Baldur's Gate 3 with this easy 3 minute tweak
Baldur's Gate 3 is a flexible game: with low settings it's possible to run on the Steam Deck, while cranked up to ultra it looks quite nice on a powerful desktop without gobbling up every last megabyte of VRAM your graphics card can spare. On my RTX 3070-equipped PC I'm running it on ultra settings with a 120 fps framerate cap, and using DLSS to ensure my game runs smoothly above 60 fps even when spells start popping off in battle. But this is one of those games I'm so excited about that I find myself wanting to tinker to get the absolute best experience. If you're the same, I've got a really easy tip to follow: updating the version of DLSS Baldur's Gate 3 is using to the latest and greatest.
>> Mind you, it will still be DLSS 2, not 3.
Nice to smite you: Paladin is Baldur's Gate 3's most popular class
When I made my Paladin in Baldur's Gate 3, I thought I was being different. Surely others will pick one of the cooler Baldur's Gate 3 classes—aloof rogues or self-serving sorcerers—and not a stodgy devotee of divine virtue, right?
Nope. In a big statistics dump from Baldur's Gate 3's first week, Larian revealed that Paladin is the most-picked class so far. Here's the full list, from most to least-picked.
I can't believe 35% of Baldur's Gate 3 players already took the evil route
Baldur's Gate 3 has been out for a week so let's check the tape, shall we? Larian Studios posted a big infographic of first week stats and most things check out: Elves are popular and gnomes are gnot. Everyone likes petting the dog and also talking to animals. My fellow Paladins are on top of the class choice, nice. But wait, 35% of you decided to assault the Emerald Grove? Over a third of us are going the evil route? Actually, I'm a little proud.
Only a few hundred people finished Baldur's Gate 3 in its first weekend
Of the dozens of people in my circles making their way through Baldur's Gate 3, most of them are still wrapping up Act 1 or just getting into Act 2. I'm entering Act 3 after 45 hours and it still feels like there's a lot of game left. But most of that content is sidequests—the main quest has actually proven fairly straightforward, which is why I'm surprised only 368 people managed to finish the game during its first weekend.
PSA: You can trade with lots of Baldur's Gate 3 NPCs who aren't traders
Here's a thing about Baldur's Gate 3 you might not know if you haven't played previous Larian games. On the left-hand side of the dialogue screen there's a row of icons, shortcuts that let you read back over the conversation, attack whoever you're talking to, or switch to another character who isn't in the conversation so they can get into position to attack whoever you're talking to. (Or pinch all the stuff behind them while they're distracted by whoever's doing the talking.) Sometimes, one of those icons is "trade".
Even NPCs who aren't flagged on the map as merchants and don't have a dialogue option like "show me your wares" can be traded with if this icon's active. A random druid in the Emerald Grove will just be carrying around a potion of healing, some mugwort, a book about vampires, and one carrot, all of which she'll happily sell you. Nearby, Rolan the tiefling has a scroll of detect thoughts should you need one.
This Owlbear orbital strike in Baldur's Gate 3 can deal 1,170 points of bludgeoning damage, which is enough to kill an adult red dragon four times
Typically, galaxy-brained hijinks like the one I'm about to dive into are usually confined to the realms of pen and paper—abusing some quirk from a DM's homebrew rulings in a game of Dungeons and Dragons.
But thanks to some of Larian's design decisions, druids in Baldur's Gate 3 can turn their owlbear wildshape into a living meteor, using it to deal anywhere from 800 to a whopping 1,170 damage against the right enemy. For context, I have my Monster Manual open in front of me: an Adult Red Dragon, a monster designed to pose a threat to a party of four level 17 characters, has 256 hit points. This is enough to kill that monster four times.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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