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Just to show what ISN'T missing

  • 20 Tracks - Completely Rebuilt, Multiple Track Layouts, 5 Never-Before-Seen Tracks. 10x More Detail Than Previous Tracks.
  • Fully Dynamic Time of Day & Weather on Every Track. Living 3D Crowds.
  • 4K / 60 FPS on Xbox Series X; and at 1080p / 60 FPS on Xbox Series S.
  • Real-Time Ray-Tracing on Every Track.
  • New Featured Multiplayer (Live Real-World Time-Based Mode of Pre-Defined Live Events). Competitive Racing, Full Racing Weekends (Open Practice, Qualifying, Race, Strategy). Spec Series (Even Playing Field) and Open Series (Classic Forza Class-Based).
  • Private & Rivals Still Available.
  • Overhauled and Hugely Improved AI Using Machine Learning.
  • Overhauled Physics Systems, Much Improved Tire Physics. Reaction to Temperature Changes.
  • Completely New Car Models.
  • New Pitting Features.
  • Forza Race Regulations Overhauled with Machine Learning - Identifies Track Cutting, Purposeful Collisions, Dirty Driving. Identifying Hundreds in FM7 to Thousands in FM. Penalties and Disqualifications Based on Severity of Incidents.
  • New Safety & Skill Rating Systems for Clean Racing and a Competitive Driver Racing.
  • All New Career Mode.
  • 500+ Cars, More Than 800 Unique Upgrades.

AI in Featured Multiplayer is disabled due to the Player Rating System/Race Regulations which matches you with other drivers and their driving style. AI may be largely improved but it still isn't human and can be unpredictable. It will never match a human. AI negatively harming your driver rating isn't ideal. Spectator Mode is missing in Featured Multiplayer due to it taking an extra slot.

Sounds like these two features will still be available in Private Matches though.

Forza Motorsport Promotes Social and Competitive Online Racing - Forza & Forza Motorsport’s New AI and Physics Make Every Race Competitive

Based on a lot of these changes it looks as though they're doubling down on targeting the sim crowd, a long-held criticism that Motorsport isn't "sim" enough despite them having the "arcadey" Forza Horizon. They may be less tracks and cars than some other Motorsport titles but they're way more detailed and technologically improved. I still think it's "enough" tracks and cars for launch though.

I don't have anything to add about Split-Screen other than it sucks but I don't think it's worth delaying it over.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 August 2023