Absolutely deserved and glorious to watch unfold.
Blzz can't even complain to Valve to have the reviews rolled back to an earlier time either, because the game just launched on Steam and started out with negative reviews, which just climbed higher and higher.
The only way they could ever fix this is to simply cave and actually put out some fat feature rich PVE content, not fucking 30 min £15 a pop content drip fed over the course of a year.
It's so funny to see TF2 get a summer update, and seeing ppl stoked for Sylvia the seal, Saxton Hale becoming an official game mode, 14 new maps, bug fixes (like teleporter particles after all these years are finally back), new cosmetics, 100 player mode (servers that support upwards of 50-60 are the most stable and most fun I've had so far in TF2 ever). Meanwhile OW2 is just pushing cosmetics, a training mode and one smidgen of PVE content and a new hero no one is really giving a toss about.
Blizzard originally used to be able to make their own content and allow it's community to fill in with their own content, but fast forward to today and we've got TF2 largely surviving on community content (the summer update is 90% community made), while OW2 purely survives on Blizzard doing something that isn't the battle pass/cash shop, but letting their community not have full hands on with their games like they originally used to (like OG Warcraft 3, or back when they allowed for SC 1-2 custom maps and campaigns).
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"