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I finished the 152 shrines. I actually ended up with 151 and had to look up which one in the sky I was missing. Turned out to be a well hidden shrine (well hidden if you don't follow the story first) on the Thunderhead isles.

Assisted by lightning I managed to land near the shrine, or rather on land at least

Where instead of the shrine I found a gacha machine, the sensor bleeping it's close to it and below it

I took a peak at a map online to figure out how to get to it, execution wasn't easy however with this as visibility

The ultra-hand glow was actually useful here for added visibility!

Found it, I think

Yep, it's there

Oddly the fog extends inside the shrine, screen space effect :p

Shrine completed, I'll wait with exploring the rest of these islands until I fix this storm lol

There's a neat little extra challenge for completing all the shrines (with a lame reward as usual)
The shrine itself also has a fun proving grounds challenge.

I guess I'll go to Rito village now to find Tulin.