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We'll be in WW3 when we're in WW3 and nobody will know that we're in WW3 until we're actually in it! Lol. That will be when someone actually attacks us, not when someone takes a little peak at us via our massive ocean or sky space. The fearmongering about WW3 is annoying and likewise nukes. It doesn't help this thread. It doesn't help Ukraine. It doesn't help anyone.

In fact, if anything, it likely causes less support for Ukraine because now we have people panicking about the possibility of WW3 starting over absolutely nothing. It only causes useless anxiety based on zero critical or logical thinking. All you're doing is either hurting yourself and your own mental health in which case I would suggest you try to step back from the situation and at worst you could hurt Ukraine's support.

That's what I have to say about the topic.

I know you supported Ukraine, Captain, but you aren't helping anyone here and especially aren't helping your own mental health and I've given so many chances by now, more than I should have. I wanted as much support for Ukraine as possible but you aren't helping Ukraine. You're only causing unnecessary debates, making users uncomfortable or annoying them and harming your own mental health, so a thread ban it is.