Chrkeller said: I'll care about RT as soon as it does something other than cut my fps in half. Personally I'm more interested in 120 hz, until a developer demonstrates RT being something other than a gimmick. Either way I'm excited about Nintendo's next hybrid. I'm sure it will be a good jump against their current. |
Then read my prior post, watch the videos I provided. Clearly there is more to it than *just* cutting your proverbial hyperbole, fps in half.
Also, since when has Nintendo gamers cared about framerates?
Some of the best games on Switch are 30fps experiences like... Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, Luigi's Mansion 3, Xenoblade, Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter, Octopath, Links Awakening, Mario Odyssey and more, which are all 30fps experiences and sold amazingly well.
Not only that, but just because you have fantastic hardware, does not, has not and will not ever guarantee 60fps. - It's a design choice on the developer, the SNES had 60fps games... And here we are today, 23 years later... And many games are still 30fps.
The SNES has 128kb ram, CPU@3.58Mhz.
The Switch has 4,194,304kb ram, 4 core CPU@1020Mhz.
Hardware isn't the issue, developer design goals are what determines frame-rates.
Which is why we still get Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X titles at 30fps. Developer design goals.
Holding back hardware feature sets because you are literally scared to receive a 30fps experience is absolutely bizarre, you are still going to get 30fps games either way. - I am even willing to put money on it.
You want 60fps? Get a PC and abandon consoles, especially handhelds.
However, Switch 2 needs hardware feature set parity with the Xbox Series X/S, Playstation 5 and PC, because that ultimately ensures cross-platform ports... And lets be honest, the Switch's 2 hardware is going to be portable and low-end, so it needs every little bit of help it can get in that regard.
--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--