Soundwave said: I wouldn't be that stunned if Microsoft introduces an XBox branded portable PC.
I mean they could...but Xbox isn't that popular in the first place at least not compared to Nintendo and Playstation, and by doing a handheld you have to give up on the latest cutting edge graphical games. Whereas Nintendo has a huge lineup of their own games and most of those are not realistic-style games. Xbox's brand is a lot of high end realistic looking action type games. Those wouldn't be coming to a handheld Xbox, so likely a handheld Xbox would just be significantly less popular than the console Xboxes are. Probably not a good move.
Steam Deck was a really big deal....and is a pretty niche product. I don't see Microsoft having an interest in releasing a niche product that won't even play the types of games their userbase is used to.
RolStoppable said: I don't think so. One of the key reasons for the Wii and DS innovations was a distinction to Nintendo's competition that was banking on simply outspending Nintendo by selling powerful hardware at a loss. These innovations allowed Nintendo to stand out with the additional benefit of high profitability. Switch is the same thing, only even harder for Sony and Microsoft to put out similar products, hence why they can't and won't do it. That's why there's no reason for Nintendo to pursue a major innovation, because a straight-forward Switch successor is already assured to have a unique position in the console market and roll in the money. Nintendo's current position is most similar to the transition from the GB to the GBA. Back then Nintendo had almost a monopoly in the handheld market, today they absolutely do have a monopoly. The GBA was nothing more than a better GB: Increased the amount of buttons from four to six, more powerful hardware. The GBA sold faster than the GB and the only reason it couldn't clear 100m in lifetime sales is Sony's strategic choice to launch a premature next gen with the PSP which forced Nintendo's hand to launch a new system as well, because otherwise the PS1 vs. N64 situation could have repeated where Sony got a 18 month headstart on Nintendo. The stage is set for Switch's successor to be nothing more than a more powerful version with some refinements in other areas than the chipset itself. Such as more comfortable and more reliable Joy-Con controllers, or a better organized digital storefront, to give a couple of examples. Nintendo can leverage their monopoly on the handheld side to once again greatly bolster the variety and quantity of their home console side. |
Excatly. Switch to successor is like GB to GBA. They have a winning formula, and they have no market pressures forcing them to do something new and wacky. As amazing as Switch is there are plenty of areas of improvement in hardware and software beyond just the generational power upgrade. Nintendo should be focusing their time on those, not on R&Ding some totally new idea.
Last edited by Slownenberg - on 04 August 2023