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nintendo has not always provided a new innovation (gimmick) every generation, that is more so a recent trend. the SNES, GBC, N64, GameCube, and GBA were all basically graphical and QoL upgrades over their predecessors. all of them sold well without something "new," for the most part, with the exception of the GCN.

i expect the NS2 to largely be a graphical and slight QoL upgrade. i also think nintendo might bring back something akin to miiverse and expand more upon the social aspect of the OS as that was severely lacking in the NS. they could also do minor things like make the controllers even better or the form factor more adaptable.

the VR thought is an interesting one, though. it definitely seems like nintendo was interested in the idea and seems like a logical next step for introducing another way to play. however, i doubt (and hope) it's not something nintendo thinks they need to heavily focus on. i fear that'll alienate the majority demographic too much.