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I got halfway through the lightning temple last night. Finally! The kind of dungeon I expect in a game like this. It's instantly my favorite dungeon.
(I did the other 4 minus the boss fight in the wind temple due to getting there too early) You can't really find it by accident so this one is the only one I went in without prior knowledge. The way to get to it is a puzzle that fits perfectly withing Zelda and the open world, and is not something that draws unwanted attention earlier (like all the other temples, no big visual phenomena broadcasting their existence)

It's indoors so you can't easily cheese traversal, but still leaves plenty room to use all the other abilities and stuff you bring in yourself. The puzzles inside are a prefect marriage between open world and a more linear dungeon style. Sure it's the same concept (activate 4 buttons) yet it feels much more coherent and integrated in the temple design than the other 4 temples. (which feel more like 4 or 5 shrine puzzles put together) Plus the central atrium reminds me of ICO a lot, this is a proper dungeon, majestic and mysterious. And puzzles involving light and mirrors are always my favorite :)

Good place to farm gibdo bones as well, let a little homing cart with flame throwers run around for a while then pick up all the gibdo bones for arrows. They keep spawning until you destroy the nest.

Fire temple: Messy temple of doom ride, found it early exploring the Depths, confusing intended paths, easier to climb/fly instead.
Water temple: Disconnected shrine puzzles, found it early exploring the Sky, solved half and backtracked to the start to figure out how to finish it.
Wind temple: Simple pirate ship, found it early exploring the Sky, solved it but need Rito to actually activate the buttons.
Spirit temple: Disconnected shrine puzzles, found it early exploring the Depths, solved most of the 4 areas before finding the start too early while exploring the sky.
Lightning temple: Perfect balance! Well hidden and it feels like one coherent temple.

Sure it could be longer (I have one button left and then I guess the boss fight) but it's the right way to do dungeons in open world imo.
I guess I saved the best for last :) (Hope the boss fight isn't a dud /knock on wood)

Btw it was weird walking through the Yiga hideout without having to sneak and hide. All those passage ways triggered bad memories from the one thing I hated in BotW. That annoying sneak quest at the Yiga clan. I failed so many times there and restart from the beginning every time, that place is haunted now lol.